Join An Army of Committed Conservatives

We the People are FED UP! Are you FED UP with trillion dollar deficits?

Are you FED UP with rising gas prices?

Are you FED UP with politicians making excuses?

Are you FED UP with feeling helpless?

First, Read FED UP because there is something “we the people” can do!

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Tax reform is desperately needed. Congress has allowed the IRS to fill the tax code with over 75,000 pages of loopholes for the “players who pay.” Politicians have proposed the fair tax and the flat tax reform. These are good ideas, but the only problem is the politicians. We the People cannot trust the politicians to reform the tax laws so that they are “fair” or “flat.”

Let me propose a THE ONE PERCENT TAX REFORM.  It is based on two principles: The first principle is that Congress must balance the budget and pay off the national debt.  A constitutional amendment must be added to the Constitution that states that Congress must live within the budget. If they don’t balance the budget and pay off the national debt, then they must forfeit 20% of their pay, the expense accounts, and benefits for each year they don’t.

My FED-UP article explains this.  We the People must demand politicians pass this amendment. Without a balanced budget amendment politicians will continue to promise reforms only to raise taxes.

The “Penney Plan” proposes to balance the budget within a decade.  If Congress would make that a “Two-Cent Plan” and use one cent to balance the budget and one cent to pay down the debt, then the debt could be paid off within 20 years.  The only hindrance to the Penny Plan is politicians!!!

The second principle is that every person and every company should pay a fair and reasonable tax.

To meet this demand, all loopholes must be closed. There should be no tax exemptions. NONE! 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Et tu, Brete?

Conservatives have been betrayed again. First, by Judge Judas Roberts—Second, by Benedict Boehner—And, now by Brutus Paul Ryan.

His televised speech was nothing more than another stab at the conservative movement—especially those conservatives who support either Trump or Cruz.  These two presidential candidates are bitterly hated by the Rhino Republican establishment. And Ryan, who once wore the coat of friendship to conservatives, has revealed his true colors.

Like all Rhinos, he scolded conservatives for their intolerant language. His double-edged words cut sharp and deep, revealing his true colors. Yet, he has been silent as liberals called conservatives racists and bigots. 
This election cycle has not only revealed the deep-seated disappointment of the conservatives. Conservatives are tired of talk!!! While Obama has decimated our economy, our healthcare, our military, and our freedoms, the Rhino Republicans have talked.  Conservatives elected them, not only to speak, but to act; and the Rhinos have failed miserably to act—to oppose Obama—to cut his funding.

This election cycle has revealed the deep-seated hatred of the “ruling-donor” class. K-Street lobbyists hate conservatives and feel that any true conservative reforms will ruin their gravy train.  By all means, we must “repay” the donors that grease the wheels of crony capitalism.

This election cycle has revealed that true conservatives have no real home in the Republican Party.  I believe it is time for conservatives realize that fact and form their own party.  Yet, that presents a huge problem. Until conservatives learn to fund and vote as a block the liberals and Rhinos will continue to divide and conquer. This website is dedicated to finding enough conservatives who can and will do just that!!!

The time is not right to leave the Rhinos to their own self-destruction. The time is right to think clearly—to fund carefully—and to vote consistently.  Hilary must be defeated and all conservatives must join forces to do just that.  However, beware of the Ides of March, beware of Brutus!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Five Benefits of Benedict Boehner’s Betrayal

Speaker Boehner has betrayed true conservatives again!  For the umpteenth time! Yet, his betrayal has revealed some benefits that true conservatives can use to our advantage.  What are those benefits?

 First, Boehner’s betrayal exposes the disdain Republican have for the Tea Party.
Republicans mistreat the Tea Party conservatives. The Rhino Republicans despise the Tea Party conservatives. They do everything they can to discredit them, discourage them, disparage them, and, in effect defeat them.  With friends like this, who needs enemies! Why? The answer is simple: Rhinos are liberals.

The purpose of this blog is to expose lunatic liberals even if they are Rhinos in conservative clothing.  

Second, Boehner’s betrayal reveals a major weakness of the Tea Party.
The Tea Party members of Congress tried to depose Boehner as Speaker of the House, but were thwarted in their plans and punished for their efforts. .

The strength of the Tea Party is its numbers.  Most people in America are conservative by nature. Most people in America are tired of big, bloated government bureaucracies that are as beleaguered as extinct behemoths.  Most people in American are tired of trillion dollar deficit spending. Most people in America are fearful of the 18 trillion dollar debt and frustrated with the excuses politicians offer for not balancing the budget now.  Americans are tired of the high taxes and no return on their investment. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! That is the rallying cry of the TEA Party.

The weakness of the Tea Party is its organization. We have thousands of Tea Party groups but little cohesion—because it is truly a grassroots movement. Even more damaging is that some Tea Party groups have been subverted. In a nearby state the largest Tea Party group has been suborned by the powerful political machine of the politician who parades around the country as a strong conservative, but he is a Rhino. For example, he goes around the country condemning Common Core, yet in his own state he pushed Common Core upon the school when thousands of conservatives called on him to stop.[i]

This blog is dedicated to providing an efficient, effective way to organize. Best of all, there are no membership dues. Members don’t have to worry about IRS scrutiny because we are not applying for tax exempt status.  Free speech is tax exempt, and the internet provides the best method for organizing.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Vote D if…you want Deception, the Father of Destruction, to control Washington DC

The most fundamental relationships in life are destroyed by deception!

For example, marriage is destroyed by deception. What marriage can last when one partner continually deceives the other? How long will a marriage last, when one partner cheats on the other and constantly hides that behavior in a cloak of lies?  Why is the divorce rate in America over 50%? Deception! And what does the guilty party so often do? They falsely accuse their partner of doing what they are doing! They try to cover their deception with more lies!

It is a prescription for disaster, yet this is the political ploy being used by the Democrats. Deceive and cover their dastardly deeds with more lies and then smear the opposition with even more lies.

By the way, who is in the forefront of destroying the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)?  Democrats, liberals, and Rhino Republicans!

Vote D if…you want Deception, the Father of Destruction, to ruin America!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Bible in the News

Every week a hundred stories, if not a thousand, illustrate the truth that the Bible is the most relevant and reliable book on the school’s library shelf.  Having been a preacher for almost 50 years, it is my purpose to pick a story each week that illuminates the impact the Bible has had, could have, or should have on “modern” mankind. 

The battle for homosexual rights won another victory in Arizona when Governor Brewer vetoed a bill that guaranteed the right of business owners to exercise their religious beliefs. The bill was an attempt to restore some lost religious freedoms.[i]

However, the homosexual rights advocates claimed it would give business owners the right to discriminate.[ii]  Besides using the age old technique of vilifying the enemy, the homosexual rights advocates threatened economic boycotts.[iii]  In addition, Eric Holder announced that the Justice Department will recognize that same-sex spouses should have the same legal rights as all other married couples.[iv]

What does the Bible have to say about homosexual rights?

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Bible in the News

Every week a hundred stories, if not a thousand, illustrate the truth that the Bible is the most relevant and reliable book on the school’s library shelf.  Having been a preacher for almost 50 years, it is my purpose to pick a story each week that illuminates the impact the Bible has had, could have, or should have on “modern” mankind. 

The Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, made headline news. Bob Costas made news when he described Russian Communism as a “pivotal experiment.”  PIVOTAL?  How about FAILED experiment!  How about DISASTROUS experiment!  This “experiment” cost around 50 million lives, plus millions sent to Siberia.[i] The Soviet Socialist experiment failed at every level to produce the “paradise” it had promised. So, great was the failure that a literary supporter wrote Animal Farm to ridicule the failures of the Russian experiment—the pigs are in control! The Russian “pivotal experiment” proved that Marxists are mad, Socialists are shams, and liberals are lunatic.

The Olympics at Sochi give a glimpse inside communism—where the water looks like urine and the bathrooms don’t work—and an elaborate fireworks display and closing ceremony conceal the “blessings of utopia.”  Every liberal should have to spend 10 years in a Russian gulag, 10 years in a Chinese slave shop, and 10 years in a Cuban hospital. Every American student should have to read Animal Farm and spend a semester studying the reality of communism.

Over the years many liberals have said that Jesus was a socialist/liberal and that the Bible teaches communism. Exactly, what does the Bible say about this “pivotal experiment” in history called socialism/communism/Marxism?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Bible in the News

Every week a hundred stories, if not a thousand, illustrate the truth that the Bible is the most relevant and reliable book on the school’s library shelf.  Having been a preacher for almost 50 years, it is my purpose to pick a story each week that illuminates the impact the Bible has had, could have, or should have on “modern” mankind. 

This week it is the State of the Dissed-Union Speech.  All of the “talking heads” have analyzed Obama’s speech and have summed it up in four words: BLAH…BLAH…BLAH…BLAH

An investigative reporter of this blog has a secret source within the White House and has obtained a copy of the 2015 State of the Union speech.

Without further ado, I am going to reveal the salient points and give some Biblical analysis.